Cambridge Food Co-op Blog

Member Profile: Clem & Mary Dee Crowe by cambridgefoodcoop
November 1, 2009, 3:01 pm
Filed under: About the Co-op, Member Profile

Member Profile

Cambridge residents since 1962, Clem and Mary Dee Crowe’s roots in the coop go to the our founding days, when a group of families placed bulk orders and accepted deliveries from a vendor on Janet Pasco’s enclosed porch.  As outside interest grew and members of the community began to call in requesting their own additions to the bulk order, retail space and a starter loan allowed the co-op five to formalize and take up residence in Hubbard Hall.  When moving day, Sunday November 9th came around, Mary Dee and Clem Crowe were there again to welcome the newest stage in the growth of the now Cambridge Food Co-op. Mary Dee and Clem are founding members of the co-op.

Tell us a little about yourself.  Where do you live (country or village) and how long have you lived there?

Clem: We have lived in Cambridge (village) since ’62 and I taught High School here and Mary Dee drove school bus.  We are famous because we often visit the co-op quite a few times a days (especially when making soup).

Mary Dee became interested in eating healthy after reading Let’s Eat Right by Adelle Davis.  People care more about quality of gas they put in cars that food in stomachs, Davis’s book remarked, an idea that has stuck with Mary Dee.  She eats her oat groats daily.

What are your favorite co-op items?

Mary Dee: oat groats (an original bulk item from the founding days), callebaut chocolate chips, our wonderful selection of cheeses, milk from dairy in glass bottles are a step back into the past and leap into feature

Clem: I purchase spices by the teaspoonful when I make soup. Our spices are a real plus as they are always fresh and very cheap. When one buys them at a supermarket you always get too much and they go stale. It is fortunate that we live in walking distance of the co-op!

Do you have a co-op inspired recipe to share?

Mary Dee is a contributor to the co-op recipe book.  Her apple raspberry crisp is tried, tested, and truly reliable.  She
continues to offer her recipes co-op publications and we are watching for a recipe for rolled oat muffins w/raisins or dried cranberries.

What was your most memorable shift experience?

Mary Dee: Opening up and seeing the co-op grow over time has been the best experience.  The co-op’s recent move was
also a fantastic experience.  When the co-op began, the shifts were slow — it was a thrill when people came into shop!

What advice would you give to a new co-op member?

Mary Dee: Jump into it — don’t be intimidated by all the stuff and everything you have to learn.  Relax and enjoy it.  It’s a great way to meet people especially if you are new to the area.  Come in, do a shift, get to know people.  The co-op is a great environment. Everyone has something to offer.

Clem: The co-op helps one meet the nicest people and it is a good place to learn about new, healthy food ideas.

The evolution of the Cambridge Food Co-op space has moved beyond baby scales, enclosed porches, and into the world of self-service spice dispensers.  Thankfully, however, the co-op has not outgrown Mary Dee and Clem Crowe.  And I hope Clem makes good use of those self serve dispensers during soup season.

The outreach committee features profiles of members in the bi-monthly edition of the newsletter.  Have a suggestion for a member you’d love to know more about?  Get to know the faces behind the counter.  Email Jayme Wood at with comments and most importantly, suggestions of the member you’d like to know more about.

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